Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to Slender Kitchen and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to Slender Kitchen include and Slender Kitchen. The Slender Kitchen website is a healthy recipes and meal plans site. By using the Slender Kitchen website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

Collection of your Personal Information

Slender Kitchen may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name. We may also collect anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your screen resolution. We may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.

Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by our site. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the Slender Kitchen website.

Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through Slender Kitchen's public message boards, this information may be collected and used by others.

We encourage you to review the privacy statements of websites you choose to link to from Slender Kitchen so that you can understand how those websites collect, use and share your information. We're is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on websites outside of the Slender Kitchen website.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • (a) Authentication - To identify you when you visit our website and as you navigate our website.
  • (b) Status - To help us to determine if you are logged into our website.
  • (c) Personalization - To store information about your preferences and to personalize the website for you.
  • (d) Security - As an element of the security measures used to protect user accounts, including preventing fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect our website and services generally.
  • (e) Advertising - To help us to display advertisements that will be relevant to you.
  • (f) Analysis - To help us to analyze the use and performance of our website and services.

We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google's privacy policy is available at:

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can however obtain up-to-date information about blocking and deleting cookies via these links:

Please note that blocking cookies may have a negative impact on the functions of many websites, including our Site. Some features of the Site may cease to be available to you.

Interest-Based Advertising

Advertising Privacy Statement

This Site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a CafeMedia (“CafeMedia”) for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site, and CafeMedia will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. To learn more about CafeMedia’s data usage, click here.

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

By using this Site, you consent to the use of such cookies and the sharing of data captured by such cookies with AdThrive, Google, and our other third party partners. You can view, delete or add interest categories associated with your browser by visiting: You can also opt out of the network cookie using those settings or using the Network Advertising Initiative's multi-cookie opt-out mechanism at: However, these opt-out mechanisms themselves use cookies, and if you clear the cookies from your browser your opt-out will not be maintained.

For European Economic Area Residents

If you reside in a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), then under the GDPR and applicable data protection laws you have the rights, among other things, to access your personal data, have us erase it, and/or restrict its further processing. If you wish to access or delete your personal data (if any) maintained by us or AdThrive related to advertising on the Site, you can contact us at [email protected] and contact AdThrive at [email protected]. If you wish to see a list of the advertising partners we work with or change which of those partners track your behavior using cookies, click the ad preferences link at the bottom of the site. (Available in the EU.)

For California Residents

California law gives residents the right to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties, including for advertising purposes. Under California law, the sharing of your information with a service provider for advertising purposes could be considered a “sale.” To opt out of the sharing of your information for advertising information, click the opt out link provided in the footer of this page. You also have the right to request from us the categories of personal information that we have shared and the categories of third parties to whom the information was provided. To make such a request, please contact us at [email protected]. To be clear we do not share your name, contact information, or any other sensitive information with third parties, and the categories of third parties that we share information with for advertising purposes are supply side platforms, programmatic advertising exchanges, and demand side platforms.

Security of your Personal Information

To secure your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, Slender Kitchen uses the following:


When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

Email Addresses

We may collect your email address, but only if you voluntarily provide it to us. This may occur, for example, if you sign up to receive an email newsletter, or enter a promotion. We will use your email address for the purposes for which you provided it to us, and also from time to time to send you emails regarding the Site or other products or services that we believe may be of interest to you. You may opt out of such email communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in the email. We will not share your email address with any third parties. If you are a resident of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), please refer to the section below entitled “Additional Rights of EEA Residents.”

Use of your Personal Information

Slender Kitchen collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you have requested.

Slender Kitchen may also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from Slender Kitchen and its affiliates. Slender Kitchen may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered.

Slender Kitchen does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties.

Slender Kitchen may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. Slender Kitchen may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Slender Kitchen, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

Slender Kitchen may keep track of the websites and pages our users visit within Slender Kitchen, in order to determine what Slender Kitchen services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Slender Kitchen to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

Slender Kitchen will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Slender Kitchen or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Slender Kitchen; and, (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Slender Kitchen, or the public.

Registration or Account Data

We may collect other information from you when you register with our Site in order to use various features. Such information could include your name, birthday, postal code, screen name, and password (if applicable). As you use the Site, we could collect other data that you provide voluntarily (such as comments that you post)

We may use third parties to provide the functionality to allow you to register for the Site, in which case the third party will also have access to your information. Otherwise, we will not provide any personally-identifying information about you to third parties, except if required by law.

We may use your personally-identifying information for a variety of our internal business purposes, such as creating a better user experience for the Site, diagnosing and troubleshooting malfunctions on the Site, better understanding how the Site is used, and making personalized recommendations to you.

If you are a resident of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), please refer to the section below entitled “Additional Rights of EEA Residents.”

Transactional Data

We may process information relating to transactions, including purchases of goods and services, that you enter into with us and/or through our Site] ("Transactional Data"). The Transactional Data may include your contact details, your card details and the transaction details. The transaction data may be processed for the purpose of supplying the purchased goods and services and keeping proper records of those transactions. Payment processing on our Site is handled by our payment services providers, TSYS Merchant Solutions and PayPal Inc. We will share transaction data with our payment services providers only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing your payments, refunding such payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds. You can find information about the payment services providers' privacy policies and practices at and

Children Under Thirteen

Slender Kitchen does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen. If you are under the age of thirteen, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.

Disconnecting your Slender Kitchen Account from Third Party Websites

You will be able to connect your Slender Kitchen account to third party accounts. BY CONNECTING YOUR ACCOUNT TO YOUR THIRD PARTY ACCOUNT, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO THE CONTINUOUS RELEASE OF INFORMATION ABOUT YOU TO OTHERS (IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS ON THOSE THIRD PARTY SITES). IF YOU DO NOT WANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOU, INCLUDING PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, TO BE SHARED IN THIS MANNER, DO NOT USE THE THIS FEATURE. You may disconnect your account from a third party account at any time. Users may learn how to disconnect their accounts from third-party websites by visiting their "My Account" page. Users may also contact us via email.

Opt-Out & Unsubscribe

We respect your privacy and give you an opportunity to opt-out of receiving announcements of certain information. Users may opt-out of receiving any or all communications from Slender Kitchen by directly unsubscribing on any e-mail communication or by contacting us here: [email protected]

Additional Rights of EEA (European Economic Area) Residents

If you are a resident of a country in the EEA, you have the rights, among others, to:

  • (i) access your personal data
  • (ii) ensure the accuracy of your personal data
  • (iii) the right to have us delete your personal data
  • (iv) the right to restrict further processing of your personal data, and
  • (v) the right to complain to a supervisory authority in your country of residence in the event that data is misused

If you believe that our processing of your personal information infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do so in the EU member state of your residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement.

You may exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data by written notice to us addressed to the address provided under "Contact Information":

Sale of Business or Assets

In the event that the Site or substantially all of its assets is sold or disposed of as a going concern, whether by merger, sale of assets or otherwise, or in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership, the information we have collected about you may be one of the assets sold or merged in connection with that transaction.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy will always be posted on the Site, with the "Effective Date" posted at the top of the Policy. We may revise and update this Privacy Policy if our practices change, as technology changes, or as we add new services or change existing ones. If we make any material changes to our Privacy Policy or how we handle your personal information, or we are going to use any personal information in a manner that is materially different from that stated in our Privacy Policy at the time we collected such information, we will give you a reasonable opportunity to consent to the change. If you do not consent, your personal information will be used as agreed to under the terms of the privacy policy in effect at the time we obtained that information. By using our Site or services after the Effective Date, you are deemed to consent to our then-current privacy policy. We will use information previously obtained in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect when the information was obtained from you.

Contact Information

Slender Kitchen welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or the practices of this Site, please contact us at:

Attn: Joe Memun
Slender Kitchen
425 Richmond St. Suite A
El Segundo CA 90245
or e-mail us at: [email protected]